For your marketing to be effective, you need to know how, where, and when to reach your customers. And with summer in full swing, the place to find your customers is outside! Take advantage of the new opportunities that the season presents and try out these low-cost marketing methods to reach more potential customers.
As simple as printed sheets of paper, flyers are one of the most inexpensive ways you can market your business — and in the summer months, they’re particularly effective. Flyers can be handed out at gatherings like sporting events or street fairs, dropped off at local businesses, or displayed on any surface that they can be taped or stapled to. To get the most out of your investment in marketing flyers, consider including a coupon on the flyer to entice people to hold onto it, keeping your business top of mind and making it more likely that they’ll try out your services.
Remember that the impact of a flyer can vary widely. A naturally low-budget marketing tactic, they’re much more likely to make an impression if you put the effort into creating polished designs, printing in color, or springing for better quality paper. Sloppily designed flyers on cheap paper are likely to end up in the nearest trash can, which doesn’t do anything to help your business. PostNet’s design and print experts can advise you on how to create flyers that fit your budget while making a favorable impression on your potential customers.
Yard signs are another example of low-cost marketing materials that get high visibility during warmer months. Though they’re most commonly used in real estate and political campaigns, you can advertise any type of business with yard signs. These are printed on weather-resistant material known as coroplast, so you can put them up at the beginning of the summer and leave them be.
Yard signs don’t leave room for much text, so keep your message short and sweet, focusing on your major selling points or a special promotion you’d like to advertise. And remember: location, location, location. Place your signs in public areas where they will get noticed without being a nuisance. Consider keeping them close to your business so that it’s easy for people to find you if your sign catches their interest.
When more people are out and about, the sidewalk becomes the perfect canvas for your marketing efforts. Sandwich boards, also known as A-frame signs, are a great way to catch the attention of passersby in your area. These durable, two-sided displays are perfect for sharing daily specials, advertising sales, or just letting people know that you’re here (especially if your business isn’t easy to see from the sidewalk or your signage doesn’t stand out). Many businesses like to display a short, witty saying. Even if it’s not that relevant to your services, it will help people associate your brand with friendliness and humor.
To capture even more attention, go with a flag! While sidewalk flags can’t fit much text (and aren’t as easy to read), they can’t be missed — particularly when brightly colored and flapping in the wind. Keep your message direct (think, “Grand Opening” or “4th of July Sale”). Like sidewalk signs, flags are great for drawing attention to your location.
Banners are another great way to put your message outdoors and get it noticed! Banners are available in many different materials, including many that are designed to withstand wind, rain, and sun to last through the summer and beyond. Waterproof banners can be created from vinyl or wind-resistant mesh, and come with a wide range of hanging options to help you find the right solution for your space.
Like sidewalk signs and flags, banners are great for attracting passersby to your business. Banners are available in a bigger range of sizes, allowing more space for text or images so you can really showcase your brand. This semi-permanent signage can be displayed year round, but they’re especially effective when people are out and about during the summer.
Get out ahead of a summer sales slump by ramping up your marketing with tactics like these that are especially effective during this time of year. Not quite sure how to get started? PostNet is here to help! Just stop by your local center, and our friendly staff will find the perfect full-service solution for your budget and your needs.