March 25, 2024
From Bows to Business: A Journey with Bowdidly And PostNet

Francheska has been in the hair bow business since 2008. After several years of building a bow business with her friend, she left in 2015 to spend more time with her dad who was in failing health. When her friend and business partner wanted to retire in 2016, Francheska bought the business and instigated a rebrand. Bowdidly was born out of the desire to sell creative bows.
When PostNet opened in Virginia Beach, VA, Francheska was looking for a shipping partner and came to PostNet. Since then, she hasn’t turned back. Today, Bowdidly frequently uses PostNet’s packing and shipping services to send its custom bows to customers around the U.S., and even some abroad. PostNet specifically customizes boxes to ensure the delicate bows are delivered in perfect condition.
Learn more about Francheska’s journey as a business owner and Bowdidly’s partnership with PostNet.
Being a small business can have its challenges, especially the balance between what work is delegated (and if you have people to do that work) and what work needs to be done by you, the owner. I am a fan of treating everyone as an adult allowing them to work autonomously; however, leadership is still required!
Life is not perfect, but it can be an exciting adventure. Anyone wanting to start a business has to have a little bit of thick skin – to be able to take rejection and not be afraid to step out and step into something. They need to have the courage to work through what is difficult. It is hard work, and sometimes it is scary when finances are not what you need or your team isn’t meeting your expectations.
I do not think you have to know it all before you start a business, but it is a good idea to map a plan for what you want to do and how you will accomplish it. It is important to develop and maintain good relationships with potential customers/clients and vendors. Network! Most of all, find partners like April and her team at PostNet in Virginia Beach, VA!
I ship many packages via FedEx and UPS and was looking for a place nearby to help. Once I found PostNet, that was it for me – it is the only place I go to do my shipping. They are always friendly and helpful. And fun!